Where to Practice Shibari?


Who has never wondered where you can learn or practice shibari in France?

I therefore took care to reference various places of practice.

If I forget any, please let me know so I can update this page.

BORDEAUX Shibari Bordeaux www.facebook.com/groups/285743208948150
CHERBOURG Along the Ropes www.facebook.com/aufildescordes
LITTLE Raining cats and dogs www.facebook.com/ilpleutdescordes59
LYON Lyon Shibari www.lyonshibari.fr
PRRope prrope.fr
MARSEILLE The Corderie lacorderie.wixsite.com/lacorderie
MONTPELLIER To the Pleasure of the Strings www.auplaisirdescordes.wixsite.com/auplaisirdescordes
L'Art des Cordes Sud (ACS) www.artdescordessud.fr
Morpheus Kinbaku
Share Ropes www.facebook.com/groups/2282460641966461
NANTES Or www.asso-edo.fr
PARIS Simonet Workshop ateliersimonet.com
String Body www.facebook.com/groups/1079153149322786
The School of Strings www.ecoledescordes.com
Port d'Attaches portdattaches.com
RODEZ Ropes and ties https://fetlife.com/users/15580836
TOULOUSE ASH www.facebook.com/groups/319852891556367
Hebi Kinbaku www.facebook.com/HebiKinbaku
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